A microbrewery for book-lovers

Category: Live Shows

Oslo supplemental: The Cheap Suitcase Rally

We bought a cheap suitcase to wheel some of our bulkier tools to Oslo in, the cheapest we could find at a mere £23! However, the wheels broke 4 mins after leaving our front door. The number of breakages in this single trip was really quite amazing: Wheels break immediately and eventually disappear completely on

InterInterInter In Oslo Review

We had a good show in the Ultima festival, many moments like Ishiguro’s ‘the Unconsoled’ happen at these festivals, like walking in circles with some composers looking for a restaurant that happens to be below the festival office when we find one, running into a torch-lit park and into a castle then ascending a turret

InterInterInter at Ultima, Oslo 12/09/09

We return to Norway, but this time we’re off to Oslo for the Ultima Festival. We will be doing a live show with InterInterInter at the Literature House.  Ultima Festival This time we are going to pack in as many different printing techniques as we can on top of each other. A lot of energy and paint will be expended. You’d better wear

Interview at London Word Festival

We were sent this interview from the London Word Festival that is now on Youtube, conducted and edited by Garry Brown.

InterInterInter in Borealis Festival, Bergen

Next week we’ll be off to Bergen in Norway with the group InterInterInter for the Borealis Festival.  At the PrInterPrInterPrInter blog, dedicated to this project, you’ll be able to take part in what we’re doing through the comment facilities and see what we’re doing as it happens! You can also see stuff at the InterInterInter blog, and

Ballad #1 with Jon Bilbrough

We had a great night last weekend when we performed our first live print music ballad with Jon Bilbrough at Stoke Newington International airport for the London Word Festival. The last few copies are available through our order form, or if you stop us in the street and ask for one {saves on postage}. Most

Ballad Show at London Word Festival 7/3/09

We’ve been asked to come up with a show for the London Word Festival so we will be performing with Indie-folk musician Jon Bilbrough at the Stoke Newington International Airport on Saturday 7th March, probably taking to the stage around 8.30pm. There will be music and live printing and a new publication available in and on the night!  When

Wedgywood is 100

The following link takes you to a film explaining and showing the ambience of the thing we popped our heads up in last night in Knightsbridge at the Shytstem’s request. It was rather like being on an early channel 4 programme. And yes, that IS a compliment in my book. We had a great time.

H-hC & HFP audience video

A kind member of the audience had posted a video of what they saw at the event in the Foundry recently. I really like the way they’ve managed to get in the explanation of the whole event AND credits to everybody in the band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjrjZt5E4X8 We also have some footage that we will edit and

News from Gent…

We just got back from our performance with Matt, Tomma, Shila and David as Inter Inter Inter at de Bijloke in Gent. We had the most amazing time. First of all we can’t resist praising highly Tomma and Kristoff {sorry if that’s wrong; I never saw your name written down!} and their two great boys