A microbrewery for book-lovers

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mrs ping* picks up the university baton

yes we’ve finally swapped places, and it’s now my turn to try and master the arts. I’m MA-ing at Queen Mary, moving on from History of Art to English Literature. I’m not sure what is more a shock to the system, the change of subject or just simply being a student again (I’ve read more

I’ve put off childish things

I found a part-time job. I’m working for a television production company, digitising tapes. I start at 6.30pm and finish at 2am. It is a very interesting job. I get to see the entirety of tapes, not just the brief clips that make it onto the television. Last night I saw a ship engine the

Firstfruits Event Coming Up!

Janice Harding, an artist we know at Gracechurch came up with a really good idea; to hold a Harvest Festival at church that tries to take us away from randomly giving tins of food to the elderly (or any other people that own a tin opener) and back to expressing gratitude to God for what we

My closest dead relative

I have a contact in an anthropology department with an impressive collection of Hominid skulls. I spent the morning making two small plasticine skulls for reference. I discovered it is quite hard to go from three-dee to two-dee and back again and not lose crucial curves. So these small examples will become plaster and then

eBooks, we welcome you!

I read in the newspaper that there will soon be a sony eBook that holds tens of thousands of books, and it boasts a screen that does not flicker and strain the eyes. People often imagine that the eBook is intimidating for printers like ourselves, but they are not, they actually go further to help us realise

Things are slotting into place

Well I got a job editing TV tapes, which is a huge weight off my mind, but I suspect there is a latent background level of tension still there that will only finally lift when the house is finalised. I am reading a book by Zizek where he hammers Western Buddhism as a way of

Artist seeks employment, maybe not in Art

Oh my life has become an ugly thing. I’m in the doldrums. The studios not being finished is wearying, my solo show in Westminster has been postponed four months due to refurbishment, our house purchase has become a burden to the point that we don’t even care for the house anymore, and I need a

Ferreted Away

I’ve been mostly filling skips recently. We’ve done two and my mum’s garden looks no different really, because so much stuff was ferreted away by my Dad. Bricks and tiles were removed (all day) to make way for the electrician who is wiring up our studio. Dad buried them, stacked them etc. (war child). Make do

Cotton Anniversary

It turns out I’m facing popular demand. I’m trying to get the new studios finished in time to get the next book out asap. We are getting there, I promise, and today was a key step, and this blog has been posted on our new computer. Capable of driving big inkjets! But today is really important

Shelter isn’t so simple anymore

It used to be a few sticks with some skin on top, but now property is a bit of a nightmare to acquire, especially in our illustrious capital city. Man it drags on for weeks, and at every turn people politely relieve you of your money. We are on a knife’s edge today as regards