A microbrewery for book-lovers

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Illustrative 2007

For the first half of September we’ll be in Berlin as part of the Illustrative 07 art fair. I’ll be doing a lecture there that I’ll be repeating here in a little while. The lecture will be about us, but I’ll be talking about Danielson and Eric Gill mostly. We don’t know what to expect,

Shytstem Issue Three

We strongly recommend you buy the latest issue of the Shytstem; Issue 3. We are in it, but that’s not the reason. We think it is really fantastic. What they’ve done this time is, instead of putting various items in the box by individual artists, they’ve put standard size prints done in their press with

Adorable Art Fair lived up to its name

We had a great time at the Adorable Art Fair yesterday. We were able to show a lot of new people our work and also see what other people have come up with. There is a lot of great work going on, and I can say without hyperbole that it was the best fair of

Adorable Art Fair

We will be taking part in the adorable art fair Hope to see you there!

Twinned with the Shytstem

the Henningham Family Press twinned with The Shytstem For the forthcoming Shytstem issue (3) we did a print last night. We’ve twinned our Presses like they do for towns. We’re not sure why towns do it, except to send groups of OAPs to visit each other’s war memorials, but we’ve done it to make our

Anti American Ism

I heard an interesting radio programme today on Radio 4 called ‘death to America’ It followed the normal tradition of Radio 4 docs in that it was based upon a flimsy premise, the reporter asked leading questions, and refused to learn anything from anyone he spoke to, but it was redeemed by the usual side-effect that there

New part-time job at Bookworks!

Good news from me; I just got a part-time job at Bookworks binding studio here in the East End. Our Press is a similar organisation to Bookworks, which has been going for over 25 years and has a publishing side and a studio for handmade books and boxes. I’ll be able to hone loads of skills there and it

Punting in Cambridge

We had a great day out yesterday on the Virgoes annual punting trip between Trinity college and Grantchester (where the university grants are made). Punting is a wonderful activity, almost entirely inefficient and designed so that gentlemen can get women in gossamer skirts in vulnerable balancing situations. Alex Bunn lent us his gramaphone, which made

Michael James Jones

Our next release which we are working on at the moment is going to be by our friend Michael Jones. This is the first time we’ve invited somebody to make a solo work at the Press, and we’re making it up as we go along, but it all seems to be going well. It is

What is a Dale?

Ping and I recently returned from a trip to Derbyshire where we did lots of walking and took a cable car up to the Heights of Abraham. It was kind of a nostalgic trip as it was a place my parents took me to just before puberty. There was a tower on top of the HoA {why do I need to