A microbrewery for book-lovers

Punting in Cambridge

We had a great day out yesterday on the Virgoes annual punting trip between Trinity college and Grantchester (where the university grants are made). Punting is a wonderful activity, almost entirely inefficient and designed so that gentlemen can get women in gossamer skirts in vulnerable balancing situations. Alex Bunn lent us his gramaphone, which made our journey slightly more amazing. Thankfully it was bracketed exactly by rain, it stopped as we got on the punt and began as soon as we alighted on our return four hours later. He we are with the Repuccis:

Photo0123.jpg     Photo0127.jpg


One thought on “Punting in Cambridge

  • Ping*
    June, 26, 2007 at 9:29 am

    re: picture on the left
    who ever thought punting is a relaxing activity huh?
    ping*: “are you having fun yet damien?”
    demian:”it’s not about having fun, it’s about winning!”
    and you can see it on our expressions, n’est pas?

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