A microbrewery for book-lovers

Category: Julie Rafalski

The nth Convention (second edition) release

We are very pleased to announce the publication of the second book by ‘The nth Convention’ testing, among other things, just how different a second edition can be from the first. This book is another manifestation of the work ‘The nth Convention’ have been undertaking since a collaboration in Leipzig in 2005. Conversations held at

Balka’s Black Box, Versions 1 and 2: Julie Rafalski

Recently I read about the latest commission for Tate’s Turbine Hall, an installation by Miroslaw Balka. Entitled ‘How It Is’, after a prose work by Samuel Beckett, the piece was described by one critic as “a darkness you struggle to measure, or rather a darkness that measures you.” Through the secondary sources of online photographs

How I Came to Live in a Book: Julie Rafalski

After recently coming across Novalis’ statement that the true reader must be an extension of the author, I began thinking about how readers become the final “producers” of the “screenplay” they’re reading and more specifically, about how the settings in novels and stories are constructed in the reader’s mind. While reading the first volume of