A microbrewery for book-lovers

Author: Ping Henningham

Finsbury Art Festival: Sat 27th Feb 11am-4pm

On Saturday February 27th, from 11am to 4pm, we’ll be at the Finsbury Art Festival. Our little contribution to this positive cornucopia of fun things to do in the Art Zone will be showing off the pamphlet stitch. This simple little stitch, used for centuries by anyone from teeth-grinding political radicals to quaint little crafts-people,

All hands are now on deck full-time!

Many of you will know that David has been working full-time for the Henningham Family Press for some time now, and we’ve been working towards the happy day when Ping* could be too. Well, now a couple of years ahead of schedule, we suddenly find ourselves here! After a long string of part-time jobs, I

Tomatoes, beetles & tattoos – hooray for diversity!

I just wanted to share a picture of my tomato harvest. The little ones are Moneymakers, the yellow ones are Golden Sunrise, the stripey ones are Tigerella, the normal looking ones are Gardener’s Delight. I also have giant pumpkin looking ones which are called Marmande, but they weren’t ready yet when I took the photo.

celebrity paperback editions

Hello Everyone, I’ve been making a lot of lists lately, mostly just for fun. One of my favourite ongoing lists is celebrities who function as sort of cheaper versions of other celebrities. That doesn’t mean they’re less talented, or less wonderful, just that if you wanted to cast, say, Darth Vader for a movie, but

Half-handed Cloud & the great 12′ vinyl experiment

You may have often heard us praising the gifts of John Ringhofer, the man behind Half-handed Cloud. Now you can hear him for yourselves! John is coming to do a print with us, and to celebrate that print, we’re putting on an event with him at the Foundry bringing together the pressing of prints that

Photos from the Erroneous Disposition of the People…

As the evening light grew dim on a drizzly wet London, a man wearing sneakers mounted on speakers thunked heavily up a small stair case and the room full of people fell into silence. Then he pressed play on the tape recorder, and an old man’s voice, fuzzy from the nearly obselete audio equipment, boomed

Strawberry Elves

Hello blog-chompers Again Mrs Ping* must apologise for a protracted absence, but i’ve been very busy. Whilst I was away I finished my MA and thus marked the end of formal education/preparation for the rest of life for some time….. Yikes that means I am, for the first time “living my real life.” For those

YAY we’re BACK!

Going away was fun, being in Berlin was fab, but COMING HOME is the BEST! YAY! i think i missed home a lot this time round. When we arrived i was saying to David “I really think we should come and live here for year, learn German, genow?” but after three days, I was all

snail exodus

David is worried that people will think he has made me up if I don’t say anything. I have been worried that the snail exodus preoccupying me is not appropriate blog fodder. But he assures me it is..So here we escarGO… (hoho, oh dear, hoho) The Blue Potatoes are thriving. However, I am keeping a close watch on the