A microbrewery for book-lovers

Hit and Run!

I was knocked down by a car a couple of days ago, but thankfully I’m completely unscathed. This fat silver saloon suddenly swerved towards me as I went up Kingsland Road and knocked me into Kingsland Passage, I managed to swing my leg out of the way of the bumper {he hit me side on} as my Dad taught me to do. I ended up under his bumber with my bike on top of my left leg. I was okay but the front of my bike was wrecked. I went round to the drivers window to explain exactly what I had learned about him from the incident thus far in a raised voice. He replied “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was doing an illegal U-turn”. This kind of took the wind out of my sails. But then it got worse! He asked me to move by bike from under his car so he could “get his car out of the road” but as soon as it was out he fled the scene, turning a regular accident into a serious crime! Did he think I wouldn’t have time to note down his idiotic four-character personalised numberplate?! I walked straight to the police station and they are keen to nail him. When I told them the registration they laughed and said “that won’t be difficult to find”.

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One thought on “Hit and Run!

  • David
    October, 8, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    Very glad to hear that you are ok. Very sorry to hear what happened. Very interested to know exactly what his reg. was, but not very suprised to see you’ve more sense than to post it online!

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