A microbrewery for book-lovers

Foster + Partners 40th Birthday Party

I took a friend with me to Norman Foster’s architecture firm’s 40th birthday party in the British Museum. We got a Private View of the terracotta army. We queued to shake hands with the man himself, rather like meeting Santa, but for grown-ups. When we got to him we realised we had no idea what to say, so I took his hand and said, “Congratulations. It’s a wonderful achievement.” Norman nodded his head and said a heartfelt thank you, then his face slowly melted into this ‘who the hell is this guy?’ look. I like engineering situations like this TOO MUCH!

Photo0188.jpg Photo0177.jpg

Question: what gift do you get the architecture firm that has everything? 

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2 thoughts on “Foster + Partners 40th Birthday Party

  • Beaker
    December, 15, 2007 at 10:25 pm


    Santa was an Architect……if you think about it…
    Merry Christmas to you and to Ping

    Love Andyx

    Ps, loving your work, don’t understand it all but I DO LOVE IT!!!

  • David
    December, 17, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    I’m sure if Santa had been an architect chimneys would look a little different today. Sort of wider with a staircase inside and lighting.

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