A microbrewery for book-lovers

Category: Live Shows

Keep Printing and Carry On in Pictures!

The London Word Festival team have put up loads of wonderful pictures from that seminal evening of entertainment, Keep Printing and Carry On at STK. Darren Hayman, Jo Neary, and Murray Macaulay all in collaboration with the Henningham Family Press. And if that wasn’t enough, Universettee with guest mini-lecturers Sophie Mackay and David Barnes… Pictures

Work in Progress CANCELLATION

We are having to pull out of the book fair advertised for today, Ping* is on maternity leave now, and I’m going to have to stay with her today instead.

Work in Progress Book Fair, Sun 16th May 2010

Sunday 16th May 2010, 12noon FREE 96-98 Pentonville Road, N1 We’ve been invited to host a stall at a book event called Work in Progress, at the Lexington. For people who have asked when they’ll be able to come and browse through a copy of the Neglected Interviews, this is a good time. Many of

Listen again to the Verb, or even for the first time

We had a great time last night, broadcasting the Chip Shop as part of a live edition of the Verb from the BBC Radio Theatre. Our dictionary lies in great need of repair after being put through its paces by the wonderful verb audience. Their favourite words are obviously almost part of the family. One

Chip Shop BBC Radio 3 Word Appeal!

Here’s your chance to suggest words for our menu on the Verb. Either email us directly or add a comment below with up to two of your favourite words, and we will hand-pick the freshest entries to be printed for the show. Members of the Verb audience and recipients of their newsletter now have until

Chip Shop live on BBC Radio 3

Friday 7th May, 9.15pm on The Verb Following his performance of the Chip Shop Poem, a poem composed of the words generated by the Chip Shop at the London Word Festival 2010, Ian McMillan enjoyed the Chip Shop so much he asked us to come on his BBC Radio 3 ‘caberet of the word’ show,

McMillan Chip Shop Poem Review, Spoonfed 01.04.10

Ian McMillan’s ‘the Verb’ on BBC Radio 3 has accompanied my news blackout of the last few months. I quit listening to or reading about current affairs after I realised it was mostly bad news, not ‘bad’ in the gloomy sense but rather the ‘inaccurate’. So it was fun to realise while listening to the

Jim Hobbs’ Shelf Exhibition, 27th-28th March

I was asked to add a sculpture to a brief exhibition held by our good friend Jim Hobbs, in his studio in Peckham. The reception last night was a great fun occassion. I loaned this: It is about 170mm long. We were also asked to respond to a list of numbers found on one of

Chip Shop 3: Keep Printing & Carry On Photos

Thanks to all who came, it was totally sold out! We had a great time and hope you did too. It turned out to be a wonderful evening of printing mayhem! Here are a few photos, more may follow later: Last chance to see Chip Shop at the London Word Festival will be on Wednesday