A microbrewery for book-lovers

Category: Uncategorized

Like a street party for the soul…

I must admit that deep down, or even not that deep down, I quite enjoy a big bank going down. As a friend put it in the pub last night, there’s something about a man in a thousand pound suit carrying a cardboard box away from his desk that brings a smile to the face

Hurricane hits benevolent dictatorship!

All the presidential candidates in the USA are now having to consider exactly when to arrive in New Orleans. This is a tricky one, because the only logical answer is: never. Why do the people there need their future president {whoever that may be} to personally supply them with bottled water and blankets? Some may

Half-handed cloud round-up and more!

There are two half-handed cloud posts you may be interested to open in a new tab, as it were: Sounds Familyre is the blog of the Danielson’s record label, who also host some of John’s CDs. Magnetic Magpie is in a language we can’t download. We now have reviews in Russian and Japanese we’ve never read, which is

The Credit Crunch: a bleak breakfast!

Eddie Farrell spent the day at the workshop attempting to reduce his to-do list. We had a fun time of it printing and talking through our hats. It’s a good thing to take new people down to the workshop; they often avail themselves of opportunites that have been staring me in the face. Today we

Half-handed Cloud & the great 12′ vinyl experiment

You may have often heard us praising the gifts of John Ringhofer, the man behind Half-handed Cloud. Now you can hear him for yourselves! John is coming to do a print with us, and to celebrate that print, we’re putting on an event with him at the Foundry bringing together the pressing of prints that

How many Londoners does it take to sell us all down the river?

Answer: 139.772 That’s the marginal difference between the Ken and Boris vote. I can’t believe Boris Johnson has been seen as fit to govern a budget of £11bn; he’s hardly fit to manage a weekly shop. The fact is this is hardly a consensus – what a stupid system. Other questions one might ask include, how long before

The 20th Century Trailer

This video accompanies the release of ‘The 20th Century’, by Michael James Jones and the Henningham Family Press. We will be celebrating its release at the Foundry, 86 Great Eastern Street, from 7pm on 29th April 2008. You are welcome to come and have a drink and a look.

Inter Inter Inter; a Rational Rec Review

Last Tuesday at Rational Rec was a blast. Thank you to everyone who came and took part, you all really threw yourselves into the tasks and really made the evening work, what an amazing enthusiastic crowd!   We began the evening with a print run where we went from table to table like a screenprint

Henningham Family Press badges

I’m pretty sure there will one day be sociological studies based entirely upon 25mm button badges. Academics will pore over blown up photographs from zines to find out what was happening at the turn of the century. You could say a thing just isn’t happening if it isn’t accompanied by a badge. So we are pleased to introduce our very own badges!    There is

Upcoming Rational Rec night

We’ve caused a few raised eyebrows in the pub when people have asked us what we’re up to this year and one of the things we’ve said we are doing is “an evening of music, dance, and printing”. It does sound strange, but this clip from Matt Shlom might begin to explain things. We’ll tell