A microbrewery for book-lovers

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Bunk Bed

Feeling pretty good about myself today, I made a bed for our friend’s little girl. Now all the kids are holding a subtle competition to try and be the one to get the new bed. It is quite a major change to their little world. Following up on Ping*s rant, I saw a vicar on

there must be trouble in the air…

…cos i only seem to blog when overwhelmed! one of these days i will remember where i wrote the password when everything is fine and y’all get a happy post. meanwhile.. So the house is coming through VERY SOON (we think) and the course is going ok (no-one has accused me of foolishness yet, though a few

Danielson Concert at the Luminaire

Finally Daniel, Chris and I met face to face after a long time of knowing a bit about each other through his Dad. We went to the Danielson concert in Kilburn (sounds like it’s in Yorkshire, but as you know it’s NW London) last night, armed with little cakes ping* had made for them when she saw

My London!


Stress is like asbestos

I’ve been experiencing a lot of stress lately. And like most people I always assumed that a good holiday shakes it off. I even had a rudimentary holiday maths equation I held to, without thinking it through, that one stressful period can be deleted by one holiday. But it isn’t working. The stuff is fireproof.

Famile get together: a review

Well that was a success! We had around 130 people at the screening of JL Aronson’s ‘Danielson: A Family Movie’, and the crowd seemed to be very attentive. Thank you JL Aronson for letting us put on your film! Ping* worked very hard on it, so it was great to see a good turnout. The picture

Danielson Family Movie, Sun 26th Nov!

There is a band from New Jersey called the Danielson Famile, who have been a formative influence on the press. We came across them as part of my research for my MA thesis, which we will be printing and releasing next March. Also in the course of the research we met and shared beer with

A great time had by all!

I think we can safely say Rational Rec was a roaring success. I was really pleased with how aptly our sculptures went side by side. Mine is the cabinet on a table, and his the ladder thing with a motorised belt in it. Perfect in terms of scale.           James Capper turns out

Sculpture at Rational Rec, 7th Nov, 8pm

One of the hardest questions to answer about sculpture is where to put it. I’ve been asked to take part in this club night in Bethnal Green as part of a round in the Working Men’s Art Quiz, so I can see if a quiz is a good place to put a sculpture. This will

Firstfruits a big success!

We had a wonderful time at the firstfruits event. Everyone put in lots of effort to their stalls, and it was a very interesting, faintly anarchic atmosphere. It was very good to be able to show our work to fellow congregation members and people wandering around Hoxton on Sunday afternoon. Thank you for hanging out