A microbrewery for book-lovers

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Who the heck is Zizek?

I’m doing a lecture as part of Janice Harding’s Universettee lecture series on 16th April 2007. It is an introduction to the ideas of Slavoj Zizek. Click on the picture of Zizek below for details on how to join us:   The thing that drew me to reading his books initially was wanting to understand his enthusiastic

Big in Russia

A little while ago, a Russian Journalist wrote an article about us for a London based Russian Language newspaper. I asked why they were interested, and she replied “Russians LOVE books”. I was going to put it online, but I was waiting for a translation. Due to visa difficulties, I never got the translation from

Big in Taiwan

Audiences in Taiwan experienced an intense reaction to the bountiful number of folds demonstrated by the Henningham Family Press’ publication ‘Dinocerata’. For a moment it seemed it would keep doubling in size an infinite number of times. Luckily it merely unfolded six times, one short of the maximum seven times, although certain Bible paper has

Arcade Fire not so hot

We went to the exclusive arcade fire show in St John’s Smith’s Square last night, but sadly it was a little disappointing. We saw them in the ULU on the cusp of fame, and it was quite literally the best gig we have ever seen, so I admit our expectations were high. They began on

Up nosedate

You may recall my nose was periodically swelling up and in the interests of humility I told you all online about how I was sitting with my face in a bowl of salt water. Well firstly I learnt no humility, and turned up to my friend Juliana’s birthday celebration last night sans gift, assuming of

Where have we been?

On hold it seems. We’re settling into our new home, so it feels like the press is growing in size. I’ve been making a new sculpture, I’ve made a prototype for our next book, but everything takes time, especially as most days these weeks I am doing a crappy job. I’ll have a pHD in

Are you a homeowner?

Today we bought a house. A sum of money that I cannot imagine and have never seen, but allegedly owned passed electronically from one solicitor to another, and now we have  a house. I must now put this computer in a box and move it to our new place tomorrow. Suddenly a whole range of

Definition of ‘packing’

‘Packing’ is taking a pile of things, or units, and putting them in a box or bag that constitues a single unit, in effect uniting them into one unit. Example: {jumper, trousers, laptop, seven mugs, twenty one books} = 1 where the brackets represent a cardboard box

Our first print run: Gill and Danielson essay flyer

Here is a copy of the first thing I successfully screenprinted in our new workshops; a flyer for our upcoming release ‘a plan and the means to complete’ (March 2007). It is for a screenprinted book investigating the purpose of the Henningham Family Press, while also telling the story of Eric Gill’s guild workshops and the Danielson Famile from

Knitting makes you smarter: ICA research finding

A review of the Rational Rec night we did a month ago stars Ping* and/or Naomi, though unnamed. It is from the ICA blog. Russell Herron’s Blog In answer to his question, the reason we got 24 was that my mother lives about five minutes from the hydrogen fuel cell refuelling plant that was the