A microbrewery for book-lovers

Henningham Family Press badges

I’m pretty sure there will one day be sociological studies based entirely upon 25mm button badges. Academics will pore over blown up photographs from zines to find out what was happening at the turn of the century. You could say a thing just isn’t happening if it isn’t accompanied by a badge. So we are pleased to introduce our very own badges!

badgeweb2.jpg   badgeweb1.jpg

There is a ‘Ping*’ badge and a ‘David’ badge. If you see us about just ask for one FREE and proudly display it upon your lapel, bag, or cap.


One thought on “Henningham Family Press badges

  • Michael Kuo
    February, 25, 2008 at 12:08 pm

    I want a badge each kind. Please keep
    one each for me. Thanks a lot.

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