Harpreet Kalsi captures our Cinema Museum launch in glorious color!
Harp (thatthingyoupluck.com – geddit?) flicked through Herxheimer’s brand new artists’ book, 24 pages per second, coming away with the idea to collage the night’s patrons of the arts with the curious artefacts of the silver screen that surrounded us. So look closely.
Herxheimer herself becomes tacked onto the cinema screen as she reads, like an escaped movie star, resplendent in a dress she screenprinted with collages for the occasion.
The audience used the index to call out page numbers for poems they wanted to hear and laugh along with. Like Hannah Höch, Herxheimer used cut and paste to throw beauty in the face of our ugly times. Fascism is ugly. Division is ugly. At the Cinema Museum we had love!

Delve into the book here, and please respect our neighbours on your way out.