A microbrewery for book-lovers

Tag: Pascal O’Loughlin

We’ve Made The British Book Awards Small Press Of The Year Shortlist!

We Are Small Press Of The Year 2019 Regional Finalists! The British Book Awards (or Nibbies) have drawn attention to our unique line in publishing, making us one nine shortlisted Presses in London! @CassavaRepublic, @DauntBooksPub, @HenninghamPress, @JacarandaBooks, @lantanapub, @SaqiBooks, @TheSchoolOfLife, @TinyOwl_Books and @CanburyPress The Awards say: We received a huge number of fantastic entries this year

Now Legwarmers at 40FT Brewery in pictures!

Those who count themselves accursed that they weren’t at 40FT Brewery for the launch of Now Legwarmers can now take part vicariously* through these wonderful photographs, taken by our one-man Magnum : Harpreet Kalsi.** *For the full experience, stumble into your house at 2am after looking at these. **thatthingyoupluck.com