Just before the Christmas break and in the midst of our midwinter maintenence programme at the Press* we slipped in a commission on behalf of long-standing family friends at Sparks. This deluxe_christmas_card_cum_board_game has now recieved online special mention from Icon magazine here. We think it’s not outrageous to believe the cited retro feel may be down in part to the screenprint magic.
*Who hasn’t heard us moaning about the particular cold we’ve been feeling in our facilities this winter? Or the numerous times our CD player stopped working due to intense cold! Infra-red being particularly sensitive to heat or lack thereof. Or the condensation that rendered the central aisle a paper-free zone! Well now we’ve put in a false ceiling and insulation let’s hope that’s the last we see of winter horrors. I don’t know why it’s called a false ceiling BTW, it seems real enough to me.