A microbrewery for book-lovers

Category: Live Shows

Chip Shop at British Library 5th March 2011

We have been invited to set out our increasingly battered Chip Shop in the British Library. We will be dipping into the National treasure-trove of language that is the BL, and the even bigger resource buried between the ears of the people of this great literate Nation! Evolving English Discovery Day FREE 11am-5pm The British

Chip Shop at Black Rat Gallery 10th Feb 2011

We have been invited to put on our Chip Shop show at the Black Rat Gallery, Rivington St on 10th Feb as part of their annual editions show opening night. They say: “In Printmaking Today we will be exhibiting prints we have published from our represented artists alongside key works by other artists in the

Handmade and Bound 21st Nov 2010

We will be holding a table at the Handmade and Bound book and print fair: 12am–6pm, 21 Nov 2010. This fair is the exact opposite end of the spectrum from the Christie’s Fair we did in October, and we love both ends of that spectrum. So we are delighted to take part. This will be

Henningham Family Press in Financial Times

We continue our collection of off-the-beaten-track press coverage with this contribution from the Financial Times on our Christie’s stall, (and readable online here) “The most modest prices are to be found at the Henningham Family Press, which will bring along a mobile printing workshop and offer…a takeaway work printed on chipboard for less than the

Dalston Brain Trust: Ladies of the Press, 11 Oct

The second Dalston Brain Trust event is imminent. This time you can come and see the Ladies of the Press leading us through their thoughts on Bizarreness. The Ladies, Ana Cavic and Renee O’Drobinak, compose print and publish bespoke zines at events with audience participation. And over a longer time period they publish ‘Cluster’, a

Dalston Brain Trust: 27th Sept 2010

On the 27th Sept I’ll be delivering the inaugural lecture of the Dalston Brain Trust, a lecture series hosted by the newly reopened St Barnabas Church, Dalston. It is entitled A Method for Approaching Bamboo How the world confronts the artist in the poetry of Basho and WG Sebald The evening begins with a table-tennis

Apple Cart Festival cancelled

For those who hadn’t quite realised, the apple cart festival was cancelled due to problems they were having in the run-up. You should have recieved news of this from them if you bought tickets by now. We’re not scheduled to be in the Victoria Park appendix to the Apple Cart either; more Chip Shop dates