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Category: Press Cuttings

HFP ‘on the record’ in Olympic Sample of East End Makers

‘Sounds of Making‘ by Dominic Wilcox is a vinyl record of artisans and artists at work in the East End. He was commissioned by CREATE to make this memento of the East End during the changes happening in preparation for the Olympics. Although perhaps it is the encroaching digital dimension, or even rising labour costs,

Art Review: “Now Buy This” HFP James Hobbs print

Leading art magazine Art Review has highlighted a stunning print we commissioned from James Hobbs in their January/February edition, in a section entitled “Now Buy This”. James Hobbs took two adjacent frames from a 16mm film that captures the turbulent tide at Kilnsea… and enlarged and reproduced them as a cyanotype. Two identical diagrams have

HFP in Printmaking Today

Not the first time we’ve been put near a Michael Craig-Martin, but it is the first time we’re pictured in PT.. I think..

Credit Crunch ‘welcome’ in Spoonfed RA review

With so much on the walls at the RA Summer Exhibition it is always pleasing to get a mention in the media. Here Spoonfed spot it, get it, like it: Eddie Farrell’s black stencilled Credit Crunch on a flattened Corn Flakes box and the drunken Escheresque style of Neil Pittaway’s etching of Westminster station, come

HFP at RA Summer Show feature in PrintWeek

PrintWeek have run a story on HFP and our friends at Print Club London taking part in the RA show here East London screen printer and book publisher Henningham Family Press (HFP) has had two of its screen print works selected for the prestigious Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Its collaborative pieces ‘Credit Crunch’ and ‘The

King James Bible Bash in PrintWeek

PrintWeek covered the KJBB: COMMEMORATIVE COMMUNION Over the Easter weekend, The Henningham Family Press (HFP) represented the printing world at a North London event to celebrate the printing of the first King James Bible. Among a whole host of attractions on offer at the celebration, including film, music and poetry, HFP spent the week previous

Time Out particularly recommends KJBB

Time Out particularly recommends our King James Bible Bash. Hey fact fans, did you know? In three years we have netted four categories in Time Out! Books and Poetry, Music, Art, Fringe Theatre… (apologies, I’m eating too much Petit Filous and their calcium facts are effecting my posts.)

King James Bible Bash in LeCool

Johanna Derry says (here): spoken word King James Bible Bash It’s the 400th anniversary of the King James translation of the Bible, and, it being Easter weekend and all, perhaps this is the best time of the year to get a bit Biblical, and mark the occasion. Taking inspiration from the stories at the start