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Category: London Word Festival

Archive: Broadsheet Ballad

23rd April 2011, 7pm Stoke Newington International Airport Unit F, 1-15 Leswin Place London, N16 7NJ Commissioned by London Word Festival Time Out Recommended It comes as no surprise this is the brainchild of live screenprinters the Henningham Family Press Bella Todd, Time Out     The broadsheet (or broadside) ballad was a 16th century

Archive: Chip Shop

A London Word Festival commissionsupported by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation Performances 2013 There Will Be New Rules Next Week (Sister Corita Kent), Dundee Contemporary Arts2012 You Say French Fiberboard…, Rowhill Books, Charlottesville VA2011 Evolving English, British Library2011 Printmaking Today, Black Rat Gallery, Shoreditch2010 Multiplied, Christie’s Auction House2010 The Verb, BBC Radio Theatre (BBC Radio 3)

Archive: King James Bible Bash

23rd April 2011, 7pm Stoke Newington International AirportUnit F, 1-15 Leswin PlaceLondon, N16 7NJ www.stkinternational.co.uk Commissioned by London Word Festival Time Out Particularly RecommendedLe Cool Recommended It’s the 400th anniversary of the King James translation of the Bible, and, it being Easter weekend and all, perhaps this is the best time of the year to

King James Bible Bash in PrintWeek

PrintWeek covered the KJBB: COMMEMORATIVE COMMUNION Over the Easter weekend, The Henningham Family Press (HFP) represented the printing world at a North London event to celebrate the printing of the first King James Bible. Among a whole host of attractions on offer at the celebration, including film, music and poetry, HFP spent the week previous

King James Bible Bash: 23rd April 2011

What a great night we had. Thank you all for a great turn-out and such a charismatic audience! The spontaneous singing of “for he’s a jolly good Bible” and ‘Happy Birthday’ were definitely a highlight for us. See below the wonderful Bible Cake that provoked it. Also images of the Live Print Production Line accompanied

Time Out particularly recommends KJBB

Time Out particularly recommends our King James Bible Bash. Hey fact fans, did you know? In three years we have netted four categories in Time Out! Books and Poetry, Music, Art, Fringe Theatre… (apologies, I’m eating too much Petit Filous and their calcium facts are effecting my posts.)

King James Bible Bash in LeCool

Johanna Derry says (here): spoken word King James Bible Bash It’s the 400th anniversary of the King James translation of the Bible, and, it being Easter weekend and all, perhaps this is the best time of the year to get a bit Biblical, and mark the occasion. Taking inspiration from the stories at the start

King James Bible Bash, STK 23rd April 2011

This is going to be amazing! HFP and the London Word Festival present a 400th Birthday Party for the King James Bible. The whole story of the Bible re-presented in film, music, performance, and live print! Creation, Fall and Resurrection! It’s in Time Out, twice! On the night: Nathan Jones (Mercy) and Sam Meech present