A microbrewery for book-lovers

Author: Ping Henningham

there must be trouble in the air…

…cos i only seem to blog when overwhelmed! one of these days i will remember where i wrote the password when everything is fine and y’all get a happy post. meanwhile.. So the house is coming through VERY SOON (we think) and the course is going ok (no-one has accused me of foolishness yet, though a few

mrs ping* picks up the university baton

yes we’ve finally swapped places, and it’s now my turn to try and master the arts. I’m MA-ing at Queen Mary, moving on from History of Art to English Literature. I’m not sure what is more a shock to the system, the change of subject or just simply being a student again (I’ve read more

learn to stop. rest & savour

mrs ping* signing in, trying to get with the blogarhythm. The Henningham household is a bit up and down these days, what with trying to buy a home to put our studio in, David building our screen printing workshop over at his mum’s, visiting relatives learning English, summer barbeque epidemic, me half haunting the post


    hooray! Here is us by some beach huts (Cromer). Me on a pointy beach (Sea Pauling) where the waves criss-crossed and cancelled each other (I wanted to put film footage of this on, but I’m only allowed one technological advance a day it seems) and we mused that we’d never stood on the corner  of

Back from holiday

back from holiday we are. Norfolk was quite lovely, and surprisingly full of daffodils. Cheery daffs greeted us on every corner. Whole fields of yellow daffiness. “A?great time doing nothing.” Just sitting on beaches, playing boardgames, eating chips, me dropping the odd stitch here and there, and David flipped his way through Zizcek’s latest. We
mrs ping*: Here I am popping my head above the parapet for the first time on our Henningham family blog. Well hello there.  And happy lent to you all. My friend Jill has given up smoking, David Barnes has given up snacking again, and I have given up giving-up on writing, painful as keeping going