A microbrewery for book-lovers

celebrity paperback editions

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been making a lot of lists lately, mostly just for fun. One of my favourite ongoing lists is celebrities who function as sort of cheaper versions of other celebrities. That doesn’t mean they’re less talented, or less wonderful, just that if you wanted to cast, say, Darth Vader for a movie, but you couldn’t afford him (after all he is a stellar A-lister), you might settle for Judge Dredd instead.

Here is what I’ve got so far – feel free to contribute!

(“We’d like to cast” on the left…….. “but we’ll settle for” on the right!)

Denzel Washington …….. Eriq La Salle

(I actually thought he WAS Denzel Washington in one hour photo. He was playing FBI after all!)

Morgan Freeman ………… Danny Glover
morgan.jpg  danny.jpg
(they actually make a joke about this in “Be Kind Rewind”, Actually Mos Def and Jack Black are probably good substitutes for Eddie Murphy and Jim Carey I guess!)

daisyposter.jpg  daisy2.jpg

Tommy Lee Jones ………. Harvey Keitel

Vladimir Putin…………….. Daniel Craig

Pierce Brosnan ………….. Rob Lowe

Pamela Anderson ………. Jordan

Al Pacino ………………….. Dustin Hoffman


3 thoughts on “celebrity paperback editions

  • Joel
    October, 19, 2008 at 10:23 am

    This is funny…

  • mrs ping*
    January, 25, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    oh! I got another one
    Julia Roberts ……. Sandra Bullock

  • mrs ping*
    February, 9, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    and some more:
    Cate Blanchett….. Tilda Swinton
    Clint Eastwood….. The Crocodile Dundee guy (i hope they’re not the same person..)

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