Wow, what started out as an experiment for Half-handed Cloud and the HFP became a totally SOLD OUT show! The email was ringing off the hook, there were people outside hoping to get in.. and those who did get in really made it a fantastic night for us by jumping in with both feet and braving a barrage of signs and music.
We began in the vestry, where punters passed through two halves of a covenant heifer to receive the first screenprint of the limited edition poster. A parade followed, through processional spaces to a brightly lit chapel. After this first set we emerged into a dark church where, behold, the poster was glowing in the dark! Lights on, and a picnic was laid out and the second print was done. More lights and the rest of the church was revealed, and our team of uniformed ushers transformed into a full band to play a set of new songs.
Thank you to all who came and made it a great night. And thank you to the band (L2R): Kerry Yong, Ping (hfp), Efe, John Ringhofer (HhC), Gavin Wright, Jon Haines, David (hfp) and Gaby Haines. More pictures and video will follow!